It is hard to forget the beauty of a house covered with fruit trees. I have a 12-bedroom three-story house in the middle of an orchard in Logar province, Afghanistan. Afghanistan is a beautiful country located in the heart of Asia. Afghanistan has 34 provinces and 398 districts. Logar and Kabul are two of the 34 provinces of Afghanistan. Kabul and Logar are compared with some differences and similarities. Kabul is the capital of Afghanistan, and it is a very modern and civilized city. Logar is located southeast of Kabul, and it is not as modern and civilized as Kabul. I was born in Logar in 1978 and lived there for ten years, and then moved to Kabul. Living in Kabul was like a dream for me; I went to school there and graduated from high school. After living in Kabul for many years, it was not peaceful to continue life there, so in 2004 I moved back to Logar. Truly, there are innumerable differences between Kabul and Logar, but three differences are the biggest. The first contrast between Kabul and Logar is education. In general, the education system of Afghanistan is almost the same as in the U.S.A. from primary school to high school. In Afghanistan, there is one curriculum implemented across the whole country. Schools in Kabul are very highly rated in comparison to all of the other 34 provinces of Afghanistan, especially Logar. The teachers in Kabul province are well educated, well trained and have up-to-date information on the subjects they teach. In Kabul, there are hundreds of central government and private schools, universities and training centers. Kabul schools offer courses for students to take and also offer many extracurricular activities to be involved in, enabled students to seize many educational opportunities. Students from all over Afghanistan want to graduate from schools in Kabul, because they could be hired for jobs very quickly. Public schools in Kabul are always packed with students and there aren’t any real tea