
Gender Equality in the Public School

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Over the years, the issue of gender equality has becoming a major problem within the school system. According to Christina Hoff Sommers, "boys are presented, both as the unfairly privileged sex and as obstacles on the path to gender justice for girls" (134). What should we do for boys? More Male teachers, have high expectations of both male and female students, train teachers to be more sensitive to the needs of boys, structured schools, same curriculum/ tests/ rules, or encourage men to be active learners by using manipulative and providing hands-on learning experience, we can use these methods to help the boys. Pollitt mentions of equal-access admissions instituted in 1975, which leads how the gender gap has changed over the past forty years. It implies that girls have a better chance to get into colleges; "Now, although both sexes are much more likely to go to college than forty years ago- the proportion of the population enrolled in college is 20 percentage points higher today than in 1960 “ girls have edged ahead of boys" (140). Pollitt explains that 57 percent women of today are graduating college students; the gap is up 20 points from 1960. "Today, women make up 57 percent of undergraduates, and the gap is projected to reach 60/40 in the next few years.  (140) In the end of the essay, John Tierney, New York Times columnist, wrote in an article about the "boy crisis . He claims that, "You could think of this as a victory for women's rights, but many of the victors will end up celebrating alone. (Maples, 76) John states that the reader should believe that some people feel that this an issue fought only by radical idealist women, who don't have good relationship due to their view. Sommer also gives facts on how girls are doing better in school, but boy's score higher on standardize test. "On the 1998 SAT boys were thirty-five points (out of 800) ahead of girls in math and seven points ahead in English. (135) Sommer m

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