Linda felt very bored. Her grandmother had gone to the market with her mother. She was alone at home. She went into her room and began reading. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a box. She put her book down and went to pick up the box. It was an antique brown box with silver designs on it. She examined the box and tried opening it, but she couldn’t figure out how to open the box. After twisting and twirling the poor thing she finally found a small latch hidden behind the silver designs of the box and managed to open it. When she finally opened the box and looked inside, she practically screamed her head off and dropped the box on the carpet covered floor. All the contents of the box was scatered out onto the floor, she took a deep breath and realised that the blood covered arm and everything else in the box was not infact real. Laying on the floor there was what looked like a gory mess! Linda began to smile to herself, looks like her afternoon wasn’t going to be so boring afterall. The things in the box must have been her brothers halloween preparations, but Linda had different plans for it. She looked at the clock hanging above her televisyen, her mother would be home any minute now. She quickly got to work, she took the bloody hand and put it near the dining chair and poured some of the fake blood on the part of the floor that was not carpeted, she felt like a murderer she was both humoured and freaked out by the sudden wicked aura. After arranging and setting up everything in it’s place, she said to herself “let the games begin!”, and she picked up her book and continued reading while waiting for her mother to return. When she heard her mother and grandmother ring the doorbell, her heart pumped even faster. She could not wait to carry out her plan. She slowly unlocked the back door and left it slightly open. Then, she quickly ran to the kitchen and lay there motionless on the floor with her eyes closed. After ringin