"We've got to have rules and obey them. After all, were not savages." William Golding Golding is illustrating how law and order holds a society together and how disordered a society could get without it. William Golding's The Lord of the Flies is a film and novel about a group of young schoolboys being stranded on an isolated island due to a plane crash. The film demonstrates how without law and order, a society collapses leading them to forget about rules and regulations, democracy, civilization, organization and ultimately causes severe savagery to materialize over leaders leading to corruption.The first act of law and order is shown when the protagonist Ralph, acts as chief of the group by sticking to an agreed set of rules made by him. Ralph and his fellow schoolboys portray substantive law as they list all rules, duties and rights in a reasonable manner. By verbally codifying the rules and duties for the members in the group, Ralph maintains, protects and civilizes his society. Therefore, Ralph's rule of law shows how he ensured survival for his group to some extent. Although Ralph was leading for a while, people began to question his leadership. Even though most members were willing to follow Ralph and use his rules, Jack began to rebel. At one point in the film, Jack questioned Ralphs rules by saying, Who cares? Ralph snapped at him saying, Because its the only thing weve got. Even though Ralph was correct, Jack began to revert to his first instincts with the others following, causing the society to collapse into anarchy. With this anarchy Jack portrayed the code of Hammurabi. He believed that the basic laws should be for retribution and vengeance. Through Jacks retribution, with his groups help he killed 2 schoolboys, Piggy and d Simon. Jack followed the motive of An eye for an eye as he committed the death penalty. Piggy committed the crime for trespassing into Jacks property causing Jack to perform justice. Thus, Jack and hi