The word immigration has a different meaning for everyone. For some, it means dreams, freedom, safety, and opportunities. For others, it means violence, and bad experiences. For the government, it means political issues. But the two big questions are why do a lot of people decide to leave their countries and immigrate to the U.S? , and why do many children decide to cross alone the border of the united states this year. Some decide to immigrate to the U.S because they are desperately looking for better opportunities, running away from violence or famine. Many of these immigrants believe that the United States is "the land of opportunity," a place where they can find a successful job, and a safety environment. Some individuals believe that these people deserve a chance because most come with good intentions. Many simply want jobs where they get decently paid so they can support their family back home. On the other hand, others think that illegal immigrants threaten the economy, position of jobs and the superiority of the English language. Also many think that crime rate has increased in the United States due to illegal immigration. However a lot of this immigrants especially children come to the United States fleeing by the violence that are in their countries; on the other hand, immigrants are largely contributing to the economy of the United States. Although there may exist a belief for some that immigrants are harming the U.S society. In the article, "Immigrants Old and New: Closing Borders of the Mind," Juan Gonzalez describes some myths that some people have about Latino Americas immigrants. Gonzalez affirms, one of the most common myth that some people have about Latinos is "Latino immigrants take jobs away U.S. Citizens" (page, 218).Gonzalez explains the reality is that Latino immigrants especially those who are undocumented earn less for their work than a U.S. citizen. Gonzalez argues that most of these people works in low wage industries. Like restaurants, landscaping, construction, in the fielded, etc. As Well Gonzalez describes some reasons that pushes Latino American immigrants to immigrate to the United States. Gonzalez asserts, that one reason is because Latin America are going through a catastrophic crisis. This causes the Latino immigrants decide to come to the United States looking for better employment opportunities and more money. Gonzalez describes " a Mexican, travel back and forth each year from a small farm in Sonora to work in the grape fields of California at harvest time (page 221). Gonzalez shows that this immigrant come to the United States looking for a better paying job to survive, not to stay. Gonzalez affirms, that many Latin American families do not have another option to migrate to the United States to survive. According to the United Nation Economic Commission for Latin America, the living conditions in these countries are deplorable and more than 40 percent living in poverty. Gonzales points out, "In some villages and urban neighborhoods of the Caribbean, Mexico, and Central America almost every family has someone working up North and sending money back home to feed those left behind (Page 219). Gonzalez add the Latinos in the United States send more money to their home countries than the money that U.S government spend helping poor people in all the nation and around the world. Another reason that pushes Latino Americans to immigrate to the United States is the violence in their countries. Today, this violence is affecting children especially. As a result these children try to im