My project for this semester was a focus on Greece as a country, primarily viewing it from the standpoint of creating a paralegal position for myself, and the potential to start my own practice, assisting attorneys. My background of wanting to explore this region began when I had discovered a few months prior that I had family ancestors that were from the Grecian Isles. I thought it would be interesting to learn about the country, its culture, the ways of business, and perhaps a possible trip to the area. Ive traveled to many places, and found while Im there, I think about whether or not a prosperous life could be had living there. So I took this opportunity to jump ahead and do the research before going, with in mind, the opportunities of practicing my legal profession as a career base for beginning. Since I had no prior knowledge of this region of the world, I began by researching the culture and ways of living in Greece, but first, I had to learn in depth how to get to know the Greeks. From the Beginning Contemporary Greek culture and traditions are very rich and diverse in Greece. The culture of Greece has evolved over thousands of years, dating from the Paleolithic era and birth of Great Minoan, (2600-1500 BC), Mycenaen (1500-1150 BC) and Cycladic civilizations through the Classic Period (6th-4th Centuries BC) the Golden Age leading up to today. From these times came the expression in architecture to drama, to science and philosophy that all created the rich culture that is present in todays Greek culture. (Greek Culture, 2010) Throughout a tumultuous history with Greece monarchy and ousting of royalty, dictatorships, wars, economic devastation, brought the joining of Greece with NATO, which was followed by a bitter civil war. (Greek Culture, 2010) In 1974 Greek forces withdrew from NATO in protest against the Turks, then rejoined NATO in 1980. In 1981 Greece joined the EU, formerly the EC, and became the 12th member of the Eurozone in 2001. (Greek Culture, 2010) Todays perspective of Greek life comes from their volatile past with a present day contemporary lifestyle. The music, food, and ways of doing business are also results of Greeces historical ups and mostly downs. (Greek Culture, 2010) Religion plays a major role in Greece. Greek Orthodox is the national religion practiced by the majority of the population. The Greek population in mainland Greece and the Greek Islands is Christian Orthodox (98%). The religion of the rest of the population is Muslim, Catholic, and Jewish. (Greeka) Greeks are closely knit where their families are concerned. The institution of marriage plays an important role in society. These days, women and particular mothers in Greece, play the most important family roles. Characteristic of the man include; being the outside representative and enjoying social prestige and esteem. However, the woman traditionally was and is the organizer of the household and the guardian of the familys unity. Its said that the familys prestige often rests on the womans ability to carry out her household duties properly. With this being said I will go into the first section of the business aspect dealing with women and business in Greece. (Greek Culture, 2010) Women in Business in Greece Greece is relatively an advanced country in terms of gender equality in the work place, and foreign businesswomen will equally be treated with respect; however maintaining a professional approach and distance with male colleagues is important. It remains uncommon to find senior female managers in Greek-owned organizations; therefore, many multinationals promote Greek women to positions of authority. A part of old fashioned Greek charm is to compliment foreign business women on their looks or fashion sense, by male colleagues, so not to be taken a aback by this gesture. (World Business Culture) Although the above source states that Greece is relatively advanced in terms of gender equality, I found a contradicting source that states that opportunities for women are varied and are available yet earnings are generally lower. Thus providing evidence that although Greece is relatively advanced in terms of gender equality, theyre still not up to full speed. The government has issued numerous laws to help provide equality to women. (Culture Crossing, 2014) Background to Business in Greece Greece has faced certain problems, and much can be blamed for historical, deeply rooted cultural characteristics. In 2010, Greec