1. According to Christian thoughts, what is God's relation to the world? How does this concept differ from monism, dualism, polytheism, pantheism and deism? Christians believe in God and creation. The idea of creation draws a distinctive line between creator and creature. Everything in existence falls into one of these categories. As creator, God is the source of reality. He alone exists independently so everything else owes its existence to him. What is creaturely is always creaturely; a creature cannot a divine being. This distinction rules out two other world views that have great influence on human history. These are monism and dualism; from these: polytheism, pantheism and deism are derived. Monism is a belief that all reality is one and divine. All that is real is therefore a part of God. It claims that the distinction that seems so important on the level of ordinary experience like good and evil are illusory; they arise from failure to grasp the true nature of things. This view implies self-realization as the way of salvation. Dualism states that there are two ultimate principles that are in a permanent conflict. The first of these principles is good known as light and the other is evil known as darkness. In its pure form it promises no end suffering as evil is just as powerful as good. But almost all dualistic religions like Zoroastrianism also affirm (believe in) the ultimate victory of good over evil. With the affirmation of a creaturely world, the doctrine of creation excludes monism. On one hand the world is real, even though it is not divine. On the other hand the world is not evil merely because it is not God. The distinction between the world and God does not coincide with the distinction between good and evil. The created world is good because it shows the will of a good and loving God. The doctrine of creation also conflicts with dualism in two ways. First it allows for one Supreme Being: God. His power is unrivaled so there is no chance of permanent conflict between God and anything else. God is wholly good and what he creates is essentially good, too. Polytheism is the belief the there are many gods with each having a different sphere of influence or a limited range of power. According to deism God is responsible for bringing the world into existence, but that ended his involvement wit