
Experiencing a Loss of Faith

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On September 11, 2001 the United States of America experienced what is considered the worst terrorist attack in the history of the world. Just before the attack, no one knew just how the next couple of hours would change the fate of America forever. The terrorists become the monsters that cause chaos, and in the face of inevitable disaster, the citizens start to lose faith. The lack of faith in the country causes a slow decay of the nation's foundations. Today, the rest of the world knows us as the "land of the free and home of the brave" when the citizens of the United states themselves, have lost their faith in the country and its leaders. The loss of faith is also the cause of destruction in the epic Beowulf, Whale rider the movie, and biblical story Mark of Cain. Although it seems as if leaders and monsters are the origins of destruction, the absence of individual faith is what truly causes the inevitable destruction of societies, tradition and families. If there is no trust there is no faith. In the Mark of Cain, Cain and Abel both had equally respected professions. Cain was a tiller of the ground while Abel was the keeper of sheep. When giving an offering to God, Abel "brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof... and the Lord had respect unto Abel and his offering." Cain also gave God his offering, "But unto Cain and his offering he had not respect" (Mark of Cain). The difference between their offerings, was that Cain did not give God his best crop while Abel offered the best of his sheep. He believed that all the crops he has grown was due to his hard work when in fact it was God's work, and Cain did not appreciate or acknowledge it. He did not think that God might punish him, he only thought of the consequence if he had offered his best crop. Cain therefore became the first secularist. He separated God's will from his profession as tiller of the ground. Only after killing his brother, does he realize whose

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