
Making Personal Decisions

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One of the hardest decision of my life. When I began to choose my career way back when I was in the 7th grade. I started because my class was sponsored by a grant called Gear Up when we started 7th grade. The grant also funded a lot of college awareness, trips, programs, websites, and workshops for our class. The program funded new technology and electronics for both Sherman high school and Sherman junior high school. The school was built in the late 1920's and it was a high school, then in the 1970's they renovated it and the old high school became the Jr. High school. They started the workshops during the first month of school because they had to try to find information on a career we would like to pursue in the future. They gave us facts about why college was important and I thought it would be a great idea to be a lawyer. I thought it was going to be the best job the entire world. The more information I found about this career, the more I thought it was a great idea. However Gear Up did so much more than that for us. On top of finding a career, information they took us to our first college campus tour to West Virginia University of Technology. They had categories set up so we can get more information about the job we wanted to pursue. I got into the group wanting to know more about business and law and the tour started again. I got to speak with someone in the law profession. He told me about how he also was wanted to be a lawyer, and that he was in his junior year of college, and how it was one of the best decision of his life. He proceeded to explain that trying to get into the program was not going to be easy but it was worth it. We walked around campus to talk with the head professor of the program so he could tell me about the requirements to get into the program. After we made it to his office he was not there so we just had to go meet back up with the group, and I was quite disappointed with my experience there and didn't really learn anything about becoming a lawyer. The remainder of the year we didn't get to do anymore workshops or trips. The idea was then buried. Starting the 9th grade we had to pick an occupation that we may want to do after we graduate high school and college. I thought to myself that now would be a great time to shadow a lawyer so I could find out if this was the job I really would like to do with the rest of my life. Prior to goin

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