"The Boy Scouts of America is one of the nation's largest and most prominent values-based youth development organizations. The BSA provides a program for young people that builds character [and] trains them in the responsibilities of participating citizenship. For over a century, the BSA has helped build the future leaders of this country (BSA). The marvel of Scouting touches and permanently transforms those who pass through the organization. The program of scouting has changed so many Americans, working to develop every scout from early youth to build a moral individual and a model American citizen. The people a Scout meets, the challenges they experience and work to overcome, and the decisions they are forced to make prepare them to be ready for the long life ahead of them. "The Boy Scouts of America believes ” and, through over a century of experience, knows ” that helping youth is a key to building a more conscientious, responsible, and productive society (BSA). Over the past 100 years since scouting has been founded, it has improved our society as a nation by teaching the youth to live by the words of the timeless oath and law. The Scout Oath and Law provide a "moral fiber to which many positives are built. If those involved in scouting focus on Oath and Law, it can create a strong base theme that proves what occurs in ones youth stays with them forever. Boy Scouting has its own definition: a group of boys that seeks to develop certain skills in its members, as well as character, self-reliance, and usefulness to others. Sir Baden Powell was a lieutenant-general in the British Army and the founder of the Scout Movement. He felt the nation was not well prepared for war and that they needed a pre-military group, therefore he created scouting. In 1906, Ernest Thompson Seton, the first Chief of the Boy Scouts of America, brought the scouting program from England to the U.S. with intent to spread the organization across the Nation. Theodore Roosevelt was the leader of the United States at that time. The first BSA handbook explained that a century before the scouting program was formed, all boys lived close to nature, and President Roosevelt's personality guided many Americans to bring back that previous interest in boys to seek adventure in the outdoors and the military. With these thoughts in mind BSA sought to introduce young men to this outdoorsy culture with a bold connection to the military. Although World War One intensified boys interest in the scouting program, after the second World War military views on scouting changed to focus more on conformity (Black 334-335). Now that the focus was not solely to prepare boys for war,