Trimurti means, "three deities. The deities it refers to are the gods Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. The Trimurti explains concepts of creation, sustenance, and destruction. In addition, it represents the Supreme Being. All three gods play an important role in each aspect of life. Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva must give consent before anything is created, sustained, and destroyed. These three gods became fundamental during the middle ages and came to be known as the Trimurti. The god Brahma was known as the creator and referred as the grandfather. His name meant "lord of creatures. There are many stories about him. According to the article, "he is sometimes said to be self-created, or born from a lotus out of Vishnu's navel, or hatched from the cosmic egg containing the primordial universe. In addition, it pictures I have seen he is depicted with four heads. The Hindus believe "his existence is the foundation for life. They also believe creation is an endless cycle. In the article it describes several stories that relate to the god. One story in the Mahabharata the gods were concerned that men had to much righteousness and might then become gods too. So women were created. Another story related to Brahma, he created death in form of woman to keep the people from overpopulating. In the beginning she refused her task and feared things she was created to do. She did not want to kill innocent children and older people. The reason for that is because it was against dharma, but he kept on pushing her for that is what she is created to do. Another deity that is apart of the Trimurti is Vishnu. He is the preserver and protects the order of universe known as dharma. He depicted in many places with blue skin and four arms. Very often he displayed sleeping on a coiled snake floating over the ocean. He was also known as Narayana. In the article, "Heart of Hinduism," it states that, "he is most often worshipped in his form as Krishna and