
Women, Choice and Abortion

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I am for women's rights on whether or not they want to have an abortion. I believe that as an individual you should be able to make any decision that involves your medical circumstances. There are many people who automatically assume that when a woman considers terminating a pregnancy that she is doing it out of selfishness, but in many cases a lot of women doesn't have any other alternative. Some women were raped and pregnancy was the outcome, some women have faced failed contraceptives in attempts of trying to prevent pregnancies, some women may not have a choice due to medical complications, and some women are threatened by the man or even their own family into have an abortion. The woman herself should ratify whether or not she wants to have an abortion no matter what the reason may be, as it is her body. I. Pregnancy as a result of rape Pregnancy as a result of such a horrific crime, rape, can leave a woman feeling like she's been hit with a burden not once but twice. As if having a permanent scar of being raped wasn't bad enough, now she has the pain and shame of a horrendous act inside of her, literally. What is she to do? What are her options? Sure she could go through with the pregnancy and give the baby up for adoption, but that would still leave her to suffer for nine months. Carrying a child should be a happy time in a woman's life, but carrying a child conceived from rape, who would be happy about that? Although pregnancy from rape is rare it is still something that happens and a woman should have the option on whether or not they want to bring that child into this world. Republican John Koster question during a 2012 candidate campaign fundraiser, that in reference to rape, how does putting more violence onto a woman's body and taking the life of an innocent child that's a consequence of this crime, how does that make it better? A woman's decision of having an abortion because she was raped is not an act of violence, it is an act of choice, one that she deserves to make. II. Unwanted pregnancy from failed birth control There are many forms of contraception ranging from birth control pills, IUD, diaphragms, spermicides, the rhythm method, the withdrawal method and the most used contraceptive, condoms. "More than half of women obtaining abortions in 2000 (54%) had been using a contraceptive method during the month they became pregnant. 1 These contraceptions are used to enable those who are not prepared to care for babi

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