In Dave Eggers’ novel, "You Shall Know Our Velocity,” he talked about this boy William who accumulated “80,000$” from advertising a light bulb. William feels guilty form having that kind of money effortlessly, and he felt that this money was for a specific reason. Then he formulated a vague plan with his friend hand to get rid of it all in one week in which Will and Hand will travel around the globe and try to give it to people who needed it more. William attempted to come up with a plan where they would go to many places around the world, but he soon figured out that their wild plans are nearly impossible to achieve in one week and they needed to cut down their list of countries. Then on the first day of the trip their plans were crushed once again by not being able to get Visa's for most of the places they were planning on going. Eventually, William and Hand are forced to change their plans at the last second and they chose Dakar, Senegal to be their first destination, instead of Greenland and there they started their adventure of providing. Will and Hand then traveled to four different countries in one week to give away money to people that needs’ it along the way. Although they didn’t accomplish their ideal goal to the fully extend. Eventually, they appreciated how important was the experience they had been through, and realized how this experience helped them to eliminate the sense of guilt they felt, and to achieve the self-reconciliation and the inside peace they were looking for. Their poor planning and Will subjective approach in some cases led to some unfortunate outcomes. In the beginning Will tended to be lost and unable to execute his vague plans. In one hand he has this huge guilt of having the money and he wants to get rid of it. However, when he encountered people that really needed help he judged many of them in some kind of stereotypical way. Even more, Will argued many times that “If it feels good it is good” and “we cannot soil it wit