Healthcare is one of the basic necessities of our lives. Most of us are acclimated to the privilege of receiving medical care whenever we require it because we can afford it and because we have insurance. However there are many people who cannot afford healthcare or health insurance and are left without medical assistance. Try imagining life from their point of view. Imagine you or one of your family member, maybe your daughter or your mother, in urgent need of medical assistance but isn’t provided the care because of no insurance. She is left out to suffer the torments of the disease either to return to good health by herself or death. As hard as it may be to imagine this dire situation, this situation is reality for many people. So I believe the United States of America should adopt and implement a federally provided healthcare system. In recent times there has been a lot of debate on whether a federally provided healthcare system should be adopted by the United States of America. However before pondering on whether such a system should exist, the idea must be properly understood. Federally provided healthcare, also known as Socialized Healthcare, is a system in which all citizens of the country will receive healthcare (i.e. Medicine, surgery and hospital accommodations) for free or for nominal prices through government regulations and subsidies derived from taxation. Federally provided health care system is typically misconstrued to promote socialism, which has negative associations with American culture and history. However socialized healthcare promotes “Socialism” no more than the “Food Stamp Act of 1964” or unemployment benefit program or any other widely accepted welfare act. Nonetheless this system is not adopted because healthcare is still not properly acknowledged as a fundamental human right in America. Healthcare is not a constitutional right in the United States of America, but rather a statutory right. As Dr O