I sat there in my parents white bedroom in total silence. The only thing that made noise were the cheap plastic parts of my new toys and the muffled sound of my parents talking about something I could not paste together.As I got more bored and uneasy, I stood up and went in front of the window that overlooked the the city of Montevideo in Uruguay . For me it was quite interesting that the city is so big and noisy, but just about 15 stories up it can be so quiet and peaceful to look at. But as my mind wandered from topic to topic my dad came through the door with an invisible mask of happiness and sadness that overtook his face.He said, “How are your new toys, Grasshopper?” I just smiled and hugged him and thanked him. He then grabbed me and brushed my hair and said, “I’m going to go somewhere for some time. Stay with mommy” Obviously at the time, due to my childlike ignorance, I didn’t think much of it. I kissed him and said my goodbye. The next day the house was desolate and silent, and mother was worried about my dad becoming successful in the United States. As I was watching the Saturday morning cartoons my mom sat down with me with tears in her eyes and a smile on her face that destroyed the melancholy mood that the house carried for so long, She said, “I have a surprise for you ,Fernando.” I answered swiftly with an enthusiastic, “ What!”. She said, “ Were going to see dad in a week. As the sentence exited my mouth I was filled with joy and gave my mother a hug that is only described and seen in one of those very formulated movies where everything works out at the end. At the time I didn't really know or realize how much I knew my mother; I was her shimmer of light and that hug is probably what got her through the week. We woke up about 5 in the morning checked all of our luggage and waited for my grandfather and the rest of the family to escort us to the airport. Most days were very cloudy but today was a change. It was sunny which meant that the harsh humid winter was coming to an end. The beginning of spring was upon us. As our family entered our apartment to help us most of their faces were of sadness and excitement. Which makes sense because we were the only ones in our family to really leave the country but also they knew that a more successful life for my parents and myself were awaiting us in the United States. As we arrived at the airport we said our final goodbyes to our family and really I wasn't very sad because I thought it was going to be the same situation as the one with my father. So I didn’t pay attention to it really. As we boarded our flight. My mother and my self anticipation grew from each airport and country we passed. Until we finally arrived at Logan airport in Boston. Through the eyes of a small child it wa