Public shaming of children is used for a simplistic reason: punishment. However, the goal of punishment is to teach children a moral lesson for why a certain behavior is wrong. Not only will the child no longer respect the disciplining parents, but public humiliation does not meet this goal at all. It is counterproductive in the prevention of a repeated action and hinders the child in his or her future adult life. The ways of public discipline have expanded due to the accessibility of publishing the wrongdoing to the Internet and continues to obstruct the reason for it in the first place, to teach a child right from wrong. Public shaming is not a fit form of discipline because it impedes on a child's understanding of what they did wrong by implicating fear and humiliation, and it has destructive results on the child's adult life. Whether the parent gets a successful result from the discipline or not, they have damaged the relationship with the receiving child and affected his perspectives of treating others in later life (Grimes). Not only does the child lose respect for his prime caretaker, but he views that person in a whole new light (Cappello). Parents should be the ultimate source of comfort, love, and advice for a blooming offspring. However, when these positive traits are replaced with fear and even anger, they are now seen as the enemy and enforcer of punishment (Cappello). Children will not seek out help from the mother or father they no longer trust. In addition to the damaged children not confiding in their parents, they will also go out of their way to avoid them altogether (Belkin). The child has lost respect and trust for his parents that will transfer into his later life relationships with them and others. Publicly shaming a child inflicts a quick shock of fear and humiliation that does not necessarily teach the moral lesson from the misbehavior. These children need to understand why their action is wrong in the first p