The “American Dream” is something we hear about while in our elementary history classes. We have all heard of it but, do we know what it is? The forefathers of our great nation established America with the idea that its citizens would be guaranteed life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness (Thomas Jefferson). Well, today we have liberty and are free to pursue happiness. However, what about the quality of our lives? Are we striving for greater material wealth and ignoring moral and social responsibility? I believe we are. American has made a perception for this “American Dream” to be an American social ideal that stresses egalHarianism and especially material prosperity (Merriam Webster). Hasn’t this definition changed over the years? The definition of the American Dream has numerous different meanings to the people of today. Some may want lots of money, some may want lots of free time, some may want equality, and some may even want to just be able to have a family or even just a house to live in. Floyd Abrams, an American attorney at Cachill Gordon and Reindel and expert on constitutional law and many arguments in the briefs he has written before the US Supreme Court sees the “American Dream” as being “Continuing to move forward in the direction of far greater upward mobility. From people who are under-educated, under-funded- in their lives in this country. We have a major problem; enormous differences in income of the top of the ladder and in the middleneed to start teaching people who are not ‘born to the manor’ economically, and the like- to make them a true part of this country.” (Floyd Abrams 2009). Michelle Alexander, an associate professor of law at Ohio State University and a civil rights advocate/ writer sees the “American Dream” as “A vision for an America that is not colorblind, but rather an America that cares deeply for people of all colors. And that can see people in their uniqueness, in