
A Rose That Never Grew

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The main character Miss Emily in William Faulkners story A Rose for Emily can be described as an eyesore amongst eyesores. She is a static character following an unpredictable behavior. Faulkner characterizes Miss Emilys denial through her choices, words and actions throughout the story. When the board of Aldermen goes to visit Miss Emily in order to get her to pay her taxes, Miss Emily insists See Colonel Sartoris I have no taxes in Jefferson (246). Colonel Sartoris had been dead almost ten years. While the world moved on without Miss Emily, she remained in a timeless world where past and present mix as one. Miss Emily is psychologically detached from the present and that suppression of normal human aspirations lead to Miss Emilys murderous and abnormal behavior. The first episode of Miss Emilys abnormal behavior is after her father dies and the towns people call on her to give their condolences. Faulkner shows Miss Emilys denial through her behavior as Miss Emily met them at the door, as usual with no trace of grief on her face she told them that her father was not dead (247). Miss Emily kept denying her fathers death until the town is at their last resort and they are willing to break down her door in order to get her fathers body out of that house. That is when Miss Emily relented and allowed them to bury her father. Faulkner uses this to show how detached Miss Emily is from reality, even when she has a constant reminder of reality right under her nose. The second episode of Miss Emilys abnormal behavior is when she refuses to let the postal delivery fasten the metal numbers above her door and attach a mailbox to it (249). Miss Emily refuses this free service, what would prompt Miss Emily to refuse this service? Faulkner chooses to have Miss Emily deny the service to have readers see her inability to grow and adapt in society. The rest of the town is repaving there streets and painting houses to adapt to the new generation they were entering. Faulkner

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