COMPARE AND CONTRAST ESSAY USA AND KUWAIT We live in a world with numerous countries and diversities. Each country has its own appeal and positives and often times we find ourselves comparing the similarities and differences between these nations based on a variety of aspects like topography, culture, language, economy, government dynamics, weather and so on. In this essay, I am going to compare and contrast the countries of USA and Kuwait based on my experiences as well as my research. At the outset, Kuwait and USA are located at two very different geographical settings. USA is situated in the continent of North America which lies totally within the Northern hemisphere and is surrounded by oceans on all sides. With respect to area, its the fourth-largest country in the world with a large amount of usable land which in turn helps with the agriculture, inhabitation and expansion in general. The United States shares its land borders with Canada and Mexico and that gives the country a great benefit in these sense that both are not major threats or competitors economically making is a lesser problem for security at the borders. Also, another geographical benefit the US enjoys is the great oceanic transport system which happens to be the best in the world with three of the worlds largest and best natural harbours. This factor makes the transportation cost very low and the process very cost effective. Kuwait, on the other hand, is situated in Southwest Asia with massive coastline and size wise is a very small nation. To make a comparison, it is smaller than the US state of New Jersey. The desert land in Kuwait is mainly sandy and unproductive. Kuwait shares its borders mainly with Persian Gulf, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. The countrys most noticeable geographic feature is the Kuwait Bay, which depresses the shoreline for about forty kilometres and thus provides natural protection for the port of Kuwait. The most striking feature of the geographical positioning of Kuwait is the massive amount of Oil resources and is at present the worlds seventh largest oil exporter with reserves amounting to ten present of the words total oil reserves. Climatically, Kuwait being located in the desert region is characterized by dry hot long summers with mercury rising fiercely and very sh