
The Public Education System

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One of the problems our educational system has is that we put too much value on a standardized test. Shifting the schools focus from educating the students to scoring well on test is a major problem here. Public schools try to prepare students for test as oppose to preparing them for lives. Our schools are judged by how well they preform on the test; that’s why they try to improve the standardized test scores to show off the schools as a successful one. Moore says in his article, “Idiot Nation” “Too many politicians and education bureaucrats have created a national obsession with testing, as if everything that’s wrong with the educational system in this country would be magically fixed if we could just raise those scores”. Teachers in schools, instead of showing their student how to learn, tell their students what to learn and give them as much information as possible about the tests. This method of teaching made student not paying attention to the importance of learning, instead they would be more focused on grades. Teaching methods have a very strong influence on students learning. They can simply affect the student learning and also their like or dislike of a subject. Gatto says in his article “Against School” “If you asked the kids, as I often did, why they felt so board, they always gave the same answers: They said the work was stupid, that it made no sense, that they already knew it. They said they wanted to do be doing something real, not just sitting around”. If standardized testing were stopped, teachers would have more freedom to try out more new and experimental teaching methods that could improve overall knowledge in students and prepare them for life after school, rather teach the materials on the test. The other problem in America’s educational system is the lack of funding for schools. Like Moore says in his article ‘Idiot Nation’ “The very politicians who refuse to fund education in America a

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