
Africa - Document Based Question (DBQ)

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Africa had several accomplished empires, kingdoms, and cities before the arrival of the Europeans. These civilizations consisted of the kingdom of Aksum during the 300s, the empire Ghana that lasted from 700 to 1100, the empire Mali that lasted from circa 1230 to 1600, and the empire of Songhai that lasted from circa 1588 to 1591. These kingdoms/empires contributed to a great deal of Africa’s success. Africans developed advanced civilizations before the Europeans arrived in terms of trade, society, governments, and art. Africa’s trade was a key ingredient as to why it was so accomplished before Europeans, for two reasons: international trade and the gold-salt trade. International trade was very important because of the location of some of the civilizations. Document one reveals how the kingdom of Aksum’s location made it a really popular trading center. Aksum was located between the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean; making it a prime spot for sea ports and harbors as well as a hub for caravan routes to Egypt. Next, both documents two and three express how the empire of Ghana influenced and affected the gold-salt trade. Document two states how Ghana rose in power and gained control of the trans-Sahara gold and salt trade and how their wealth from it was very evident. Document three states tell how when Arab traders wanted gold they had to pass through Ghana and since Ghana controlled the land, this was an easy access to trade for them. Lastly, Document eight also tells of the land sea trade routes in East Africa. Africa’s social aspects also played an important role on their success before the Europeans. Document five shows how the people of the empire of Songhai, specifically the city of Timbuktu, had very valued careers. In Timbuktu there were many doctors, judges, priests, and “learned men” who were well maintained at the king’s cost. Document six tells how the empire of Mali was a safe and secure place. The

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