The United States led coalition attack on Iraq went on for a gruesome eight years and nine months. City nights such as Baghdad were lit up by M-16 rifles, rocket propelled grenades flying out of M471 tanks and apache helicopters expelling 50 caliber bullets the length of a persons forearms from the sky without ever being seen. The reason that 1.4 million human beings died in this so called, "war was not to save Americans from Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, not to get rid of a ruling dictator, nor was it to expel the terrorists from within Iraq, but to gain a long-term military presence in Iraq to ensure its American dominance in the Middle East and its precious oil reserves (Yergin, 2004). BBC news figures showed that America has fought in twelve official wars., their prime goal being protection from invasion and/or nuclear attack becoming their top priority. Burned with a desire of imperialism and nationalism, they will do anything to keep their citizens safe. This is one of the reasons why they believed that the invasion was justifiable. The United Nations (U.N.) duty in such circumstances is to maintain international peace and security as well as to remove any threats towards achieving peace and unity. The U.N. also determine what measures needs to be taken if a country has weapons of mass destruction and not for individual States to take a part of the action by themselves. The war in Iraq violates the U.N's charter , which the U.S. did indeed sign in 1945 after War World II. The cost of ignoring inspections was an unnecessary nine year war with Iraq. Based on more than a hundred U.N. Inspections conducted by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), they have stated that "to date found no evidence or plausible indications of the Revival of a Nuclear Weapons programme or Weapons of Mass destruction in Iraq (El Baradei, 2002). In a BBC news conference, the United Nations secretary general, Kofi Annan, explicitly declared that the U.S. invasion of Iraq was not legal and that it was not sanctioned by the United Nations security council. One can believe that U.S leaders such as Tony Blaire and George Bush should be tried as International war criminals. Luckily for them, the U.S. is a permanent council member of the U.N. and can veto any potential referral upon them. National security council member, Condolezza Rice, in an interview with Stanford University professor described Saddam Hussein as an "evil human being, liar, hypocrite, enabler. When words such as "evil slips out of the mouths of emotional politicians, he/she acknowledge that they can not make a convincing national interest argument, which is the main component to any reasonable case of war. However, the war did take place, the question which remains is did the situation get better than before? Iraq today still has exercise cruel behaviors including torture, executions and collective punishments. In a recent global research, it showed that the U.S. policy has increased terror attacks (Global Research, 2013). Afghanistan, for example, experienced 150 terrorist related attacks in the year of 2000, and in 2010 it has increased to 590. By the same token, Iraq experienced 120 led terrorist attacks, but in 2010, there had been 1,300 attacks which raises the question of whether the coalition really did make a difference in the fight against terrorism and bringing safety amongst the Iraqi civilians. Furthermore, after the 9/11 attacks, Bush administration believed that Saddam and Al-Qaeda hand-in-hand cooperated in the attacks. Indeed, the U.S. has an informal relationship with Saudi Arabia that spans some 70 years since oil was first discovered in the Gulf. What was not convincing was that 15 out of 19 suicide bombers in the attack were Saudi's (BBC, 2003), meaning that Iraq had no involvement in or connection to the attacks. Now the "war on terrorism is the new villain and is much larger than Saddam (Jhavari, 2004), and a powerful force that can be used to mobilize the nation and keep military expenditures. If you do not agree with us, then it automatically makes you a terrorist, just as during the Cold war, any one who disagreed was a Communist. The after math of the War was atrocious mainly due to the fact that the U.S has been far less successful in winning the peace than it was in winning the war. Iraqi death toll reached 500,000 since the start of the invasion, the Iraq Body count project (IBC project) stated that 70% of the causalities were civilians (120,900) (IBC project, 2011). The number of Iraqi orphans raised to five million, which is almost half of the country's children. A large-scale survey of Iraq households by UNICEF published that between three to five million Iraqi citizens under the age of 18 have lost one