
Sending in the Drones - America in Yemen

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The number of innocent lives the U.S. is willing to sacrifice in the effort to protect it's citizens from a supposed threat is sickening and quite frankly, immoral.ys two of those attacks killed civilians at random. These people were unarmed and posed no threat to life. In a report, Human Rights Watch says that six U.S. drone attacks in Yemen took the lives of 82 people, including 57 civilians. Now, who those other 25 individuals were and if they were armed or posed any sort of threat is something that the public might not ever know as the government likes to keep secrets and that, in turn, grants them immunity and prevents victims of the onslaught from receiving any form of equity or repayment. In October of 2012, it was reported that a 68-year old grandmother, Mamana Bibi was killed surrounded by her grandchildren during a double strike while picking vegetable in her family's field. BBC News also says President Obama insists on the so-called fact that the operation is "kept on a very tight leash  and that without the drones, the U.S. would have had to resort to "more intrusive military action . If sending unmanned killing machines into a country to spy on and target thousands of innocent people isn't the most obtrusive means of security, how much more intrusive could the government be? These operations lack supervision. The drone attacks are not executed by the military, but by the Central Intelligence Agency these members of the CIA are not recognized troops. Sarah Holewinski told, "When you have a civilian agency getting involved and actually pulling the trigger, that becomes very difficult to square with international law.  Holewinski had also stated that because the Central Intelligence Agency works so tightly with Joint Special Operations Command, which runs special operations teams like Delta Force and Seal Team 6, "the military is subsumed under this civilian spy agency.  According to the same source, aft

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