
The Five Women Of Salem

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Salem, Massachusetts 1692 was a very interesting period in time in history, only because there were these things called witch trials going on. During these witch trials people were being accused of doing witch craft and casting spells on "innocent  people for no reason, but it is said that these people who had spells casted on them were actually a bunch of liars who were trying to get back at the people who did something that they didn't like, or just simply hated the person that they were accusing. If I could go back in time to witness these trials I wouldn't mind. When people actually sit down and think about what happened during this time period they don't really know what happened, well besides what they have been told. But there is a whole lot more that went into these trials. Not just the fact that these people were accused, then tried, and then killed because of the accusations. A lot of people also don't know about the people that were actually doing the accusing. People also don't know about the rumor of a witch being around came about. During this time period there were a lot of victims accused of witch craft and only a few confessed to said accusations, but most off the accused were accused by the "afflicted girls 1 and these girls were a bunch of little girls who were probably bored and desperate for attention, or just wanted to get back at the people that they had accused, and I'd like to take a look into that as well. When talking about the trials the names that have become most famous are Elizabeth "Betty  Parris2 , Abigail Williams3, the two young ladies were just the beginning of what will soon become the witch trials. We also have the people who have fallen victim of being accused of witch craft, and these people were Tituba4, Sarah Good, Sarah Osborne. As the time went by more and more people were being accused and a total of eight girls will become "afflicted . Along with the time passing people begin to question the trials and the "afflicted girl  as well as the prosecutors of these trials. These trials will mark a time in history that will be known by others, and stories will be told and the legend will live on for years to come. Elizabeth Parris and Abigail Williams were two of the most well know name from the witch trials and no they weren't witches. They were actually two young cousins at the ages of nine and twelve who claimed to be afflicted. From what I have read up on Elizabeth and Abigail they were both interested in their future

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