Punitive Article 92 under the Uniformed Code of Military Justice is “Failure to Follow and/or Disobeying of a Lawful Order”. Punitive Articles 77 through 134 under the Uniformed Code of Military Justice are specified violations if in fact violated, consciously or unconsciously, may be punishable by court-martial appropriated to the offense and/or offenses. All members of the Armed Forces, to include Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps etc. are to adhere to all articles under the Uniformed Code of Military Justice while still adhering to civil law as well. The purpose being that all Military personnel are viewed at a higher standard thus held to that higher standard, in turn; meaning that in this case Military personnel who become offenders of such laws, be it military or civil, do not merely get a slap on the wrist for their offenses. No. They are dealt with a harsher hand. An “iron fist” if you will. Any minor infraction and/or misdemeanor may in fact be punishable under the UCMJ (Uniformed Code of Military Justice) to include the civil law or regulation that was violated. Now with multiple offenses persecuting the individual. Such means are necessary however. For example who would the Military be without such set regulations? How would non-military personnel view those that are to defend the rights of the people; those who have sworn unwavering allegiance to The United States of America and its constitution, if such individuals fail to abide by simple laws enacted by Congress set aside for the people, let alone military specific law? All trust would be lost, would it not? Why would anyone want to have an individual who failed to follow simple order as the defender of their nation? They would not stand for itbut why not? It is very simple, where you cannot trust in one, in turn you cannot trust in any either. The persons within the military whom made the conscious decision to disobey a lawful order do not merely affect themselves. No. They affect their command; the military branch, the military as a whole, and thus the integrity of the Nation now becomes questionable. Picture a miniscule snowball resting atop a hill. When pushed it begins to tumble. As the slope steepens the snowball gains momentum. This momentum adds weight to that snowball, as it continues it begins to grow until the little snowball that once rested atop of that hill has evolved into a very destructive boulder with no end point other than anything that crosses its path, whether it be a tree, house, or entire town, this boulder does not discriminate, it WILL take out everything that stands in its way. Very easily this snowball effect could in fact occur to any service member who fails to abide by the laws and regulations he or she has a duty to. Article 92 “Failure to Obey Order or Regulation” reads: “Any person[s] subject to this chapter who-(1) violates or fails to obey any lawful general order or regulation; (2) having knowledge of any other lawful order issued by a member of the armed forces, which it is his [or her] duty to obey, fails to obey the order” (UCMJ). The textual description pertaining to Article 92 is concise and point blank. In even more lemans terms, if an individual disobeys ANY order he or she is punishable and subject to persecution under the Uniformed Code of Military Justice. However, the repercussions and consequences of the direct violation(s) go so much further than any lawful punishment. The Uniform Code of Military Justice was enacted by Congress why? It was esta