In Bill McKibben's Introduction to Walden by Henry David Thoreau he expresses that nature is such a peaceful part of life, and that is one of the reasons why he chose to live out in the woods. Society is such an influence on our daily lives and always wants us to be something that we are not. Everyday needs and wants are always influencing us in society. One needs some space from everything in the city and in their lives and by being out in nature is one way. By being in nature one can let go of their city life. Let's face it, life keeps us to busy to take time to relax and have time to ourselves. Society has a way of taking over and not allowing us to breathe and be ourselves. Nature is an outlet for us to feel some sense of comfort and relaxation. Society has an impact on us by having expectations for people to follow and letting nature be an escape for the madness of society. Some of those expectations include how we behave and how we act; nature can free us from those expectations by providing an outlet of freedom and have some peace. Nature is a wonderful thing in life, it allows us some peace and quiet. It is usually a secluded place where people can have some time to themselves and just think. Being in a busy life or having a family may not have time to think; time to just think about nothing relating to their everyday lives. Nature provides a release of all those things. You can take a walk in the forest and take in the fresh air. By doing that you automatically feel less stress. That is what Thoreau does, he takes a nature walk and he loves being by himself, he finds comfort in that. By being in nature, you do not have to worry about everyday needs; such as work, school, and money. Take camping for example, you are not going to worry about how you look when you are camping. The animals are not going to care what you look like, nature takes away the sense of caring that society provides. Nature provides a sense of relaxation and peacefulness. With nature we are free of these expectations of society. Society makes all these expectations that humans have to follow, and they are not healthy to follow. For example, society provides media as a source of an expectation for people to act, look, dress, and view a certain way. To view a certain way is one of the important ones, we view certain situations by taking in consideration of how others view before we consider our view first. With a certain celebrity endorsing a product, something triggers in our mind that we should buy that product because we can essentially be that celebrity if we do so.