An adult is someone who is fully-grown and developed but also is very mature. By law in the United States it is very well known that someone is an adult at the age of eighteen. At the age of eighteen any citizen is granted with more responsibilities, rights, and privileges. As an adult someone is able to purchase and use tobacco, go to a nightclub, drive anytime, vote, buy a lottery ticket, carry a weapon, get a tattoo or piercing, and even bartend. Being an adult provides much more freedom and independence. This being said, why does any person have to be twenty-one to legally consume alcohol? This is an important question that is in deep controversy around the world. The drinking age should be lowered to the age of eighteen simply because an adult is allowed to make his or her own decisions. Having the minimum drinking age at eighteen could potentially save lives. Lowering the drinking age to eighteen could lessen the desire for alcohol, lead to safer public drinking, decrease the abuse of alcohol and overall lessen the consumption of alcohol. Today, most high school students and college students all under the age of twenty-one drinks under the influence of alcohol. High school students, but mostly college students, have easy access to alcohol. As stated by Alex Yellin,“As a poll of thousands of 12th graders in 2006 found that 72% had tried alcohol” (“Lower Minimum Drinking Age to 18”). Although underage drinking is against the law, it does not prevent most teens from consuming alcohol anyways. Most teens drink alcohol because they are told not to. According to, “Normalizing alcohol consumption as something done responsibly in moderation will make drinking alcohol less of a taboo for young adults entering college and the workforce“ (“Drinking Age”). The more the law stresses how bad drinking alcohol really is, the more teens desire to consume it. If the drinking age were eighteen, society wouldn't have hundreds or thousands of eighteen year olds getting drunk before going out to the club, or a concert. As the teenage generation would be able to go to a club, a bar, a concert and enjoy drinks with everyone without worrying about getting caught or getting a drinking citation for possession. Also, if the consumption of alcohol is allowed among college students, colleges could regulate alcohol usage at public events. When drinking in a public area each college can regulate the alcohol consumption by having health workers, security guards and policeman at the event. For example, supervisors can make sure everyone is drinking in moderation. If drinking is set in moderation eighteen years olds could be forced to not drink as much. Adults eighteen years of age being able to drink at public events and are supervised by officials could lead to safer statistics in public alcohol use. Colleges will be more able to generate awareness on the risk of consuming alcohol. As supported by blogger, “People under the age of 21 tend to drink more when they get hold of alcohol because of the uncertain