Once you start a television show, and you are hooked, you come to a point where you are addicted showing that television can act as a black hole. Television at times defines who we are and whom we relate to. Do we really need television to entertain us; we could find more productive and enlightening activities to satisfy our boredom. However, television is an easy way to entertain us with little to no effort. It becomes a routine to watch the show every week even making plans around that time so they show isn't missed. Television sucks us in until we are all hooked, and we just cannot stop watching. Television is a negative impact because it distracts you from reality, promotes laziness and encourages procrastination. Television can create another world for someone. People can loose their selves in the lives of characters from television shows. Television can help people forget about the stress and hardships in their lives, and give them an outlet. Just for a little bit people can forget who they are and focus on the lives of someone else. However, this then prevents people from confronting reality and the real problem. By using television as a distraction to ignore the problem, it can cause the problem to grow and fester over time. For example, I use television to distract myself of thinking of my future, because I have no idea what I want to do for my future. Instead of thinking and stressing I watch television and live through the characters and by ignoring my problem, time passes and I am still stuck at the same place I was before. Television can provide a safety net to distract you from reality; however, it can prevent people from moving on in their lives. Television can promote an unhealthy lifestyle. It can cause extreme laziness because people tend to get drawn into a television show a couple hours a day instead of going for a walk, or going to the gym in that time span. Additionally, people tend to crave unhealthy food and sn