Hello, my name is Carlie McCabe and I will be one of your co-chairs at SOCOMUN this year! I am a senior at SMCHS, and this is my fourth year being involved in MUN. Besides MUN, a few of my activities include being a member of SM’s varsity cheerleading team, the ASB Vice President, and having fun as the President of my local National Charity League. I truly enjoy MUN and have encountered amazing experiences through the program. I have had the wonderful opportunities of traveling to UC Berkeley and to an incredible conference in London, England. Model United Nations has truly helped me in a plethora of ways. My public speaking skills have improved tremendously, my range of knowledge for world issues has broadly increased, and I have been able to develop amazing relationships with many people with in the program. Specifically, I enjoy debating in committees such as UNICEF and UNHCR because I have a strong passion for working to improve the lives of refugees in our world today. I hope that SOCOMUN will be a very positive experience for you and that you will be motivated to continue with Model United Nations. We will start the conference off with debate, in which delegates are given the opportunity to share their insightful ideas regarding solutions. If delegates wish to further discuss their solutions, they are able to motion for a caucus in which they can properly and intelligently communicate, and work towards formulating their solutions into well written resolutions. Please come well prepared with full knowledge of the topic as well as your country policy. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to email me at socomunnotd@gmail.com. I wish the best of luck to you delegates, as I look forward to a wonderful conference and insightful debate! Background North Korea, also known as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is a country located in East Asia, and on the northern part of the Korean Peninsula. Their government