Before- The Fourteenth Amendment (1868) is about all persons born or naturalized in the U.S. became citizens of this country. It was 1866, growing upon the south has shown me that we the minorities are not treated as equals, but a lesser and worthless use of manual labor and cruel entertainment for the other race. I still remember as a child not having the same as others like: a car, house, business, etc I was treated as if I wasn’t even equal to their animals I faced discrimination, beatings, cursed out, and more. We the people need this amendment is much needed because it defines what it means to be a US citizen and protects certain rights of the people. Also it would mean that we can’t be treated as a lesser, but like a equal that will have the same if not a better opportunity than the next person. Growing up in this racial tension takes a toll on the mind of a young boy. You grow up to hate the things that we stand for, and disbelieve that the government is here to help you when they can’t even make you real citizens. During- When the amendment passed there wasn’t an automatic reaction to the new law, it took time and a lot of protest for people to recognize the minority group as a equal and not as a stepping stone that they didn’t have to acknowledge. People were not in favor for change, because they were set in there ways. Those type of people would rather die before they changed anything. But I am glad to say that not all of the country reacted in a negative manner like the south did. The norths on the other hand embraced the change, and were all for equality I wish my family came from there. So we wouldn’t have to face this negativity and struggles that we endure in the Jim Crow south. But I wasn’t so lucky my family had to go through the struggle of name calling, and punishments just being a different color than others. But I rejoice and say to my brothers and sisters free at last oh how wonderful it is to be fr