Our hectic technology -oriented rhythm of life seems inseparable part of our daily routine. Technological advances have affected every sphere of our life making it impossible to organize work, leisure and even human relations without technology. Some of the achievements of modern technology are really beneficial, as they have facilitated our daily work and communication. However, on a more global scale, Modern technology has become a curse rather than a blessing for the earth through pollution, nuclear warfare and inequality and discrimination. First and foremost, the most dramatic damage caused by modern technology is pollution. For one thing, due to human activity renewable resources of our planet are seriously damaged; the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we till have become polluted by industrial waste. Also, people have destroyed the balance of the non-renewable resources. Experts suggest that in the near future the speed with which we are using up oil and gas will bring us to the total depletion of these fossil fuels. And finally, in addition to industrial pollution there is a problem of noise pollution. Our streets are filled with the noise of cars, busses, and trucks. Our houses are constantly overloaded with loud music or TV sound. Modern technology has also brought our planet to the brink of nuclear disaster. Major countries possess such a huge number of atomic bombs that can easily blow up the whole planet, but this is not even the worst. If this deadly weapon falls into the hands of terroristic organizations, the future of humanity will be doomed. History holds one very vivid memory of atomic destruction that happened in 1945 in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The two Japanese cities still experience the dreary, nightmarish outcomes of nuclear attack. Decades after, the area is contaminated, the people are prone to numerous horrible diseases, and children are still born with deviations. Last but not least, one of the