
Music - God is Dead?

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Music in this generation is very bombastic. They have almost no meaning or are mainly about three things: sex, drugs, and weed. Whatever happened to the songs that actually had meaning? What happened to being able to connect with a song because you can relate to it? Yeah sure, some people can relate to the music from this generation but it is all very circumlocutory. For example, rap. Rap can be considered as a voluble3 genre. I must admit, however, that some rap music is verbose and gets their message across quite eloquently. Although, the majority of rap has to do with sex, drugs, or weed. Personally, in my opinion, rap is a coloquial genre. Some rappers tend to ramblingly7 rap about subjects that have no meaning or are not important. I see no point in this. What has the music industry gotten to? Where is it headed? Rock ‘n’ roll, however, is not a digressive8 genre. People think that rock ‘n’ roll artists prattle9 too much in their songs. Yes, some songs are quite long but that doesn’t mean it’s meaningless or uninteresting. Now, I might be a garrulous10 person when it comes to rock ‘n’ roll but I am entitled to my opinion as every other human being on this planet. Some may consider this as a rant11 but I am just stating my opinion and beliefs. One of my personal favourite songs is “God Is Dead?” by Black Sabbath. My mum always wonders why I don’t like songs that are loquacious12. She strongly dislikes this song and she does not like me listening to it. I, on the other hand, do not like her listening to her music but I’m not going to stop her from listening to it just because I dislike it. Anyways, “God Is Dead?” is a meaningful song. People think that it’s meant to offend Christianity but it’s really not. If people weren’t so ignorant and actually did research on the song, they might actually like it. Ozzy Osbourne came up with the idea for the song. He was in someone’s office and happened to c

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