? A very good morning to our respected lecturer, Miss Hasimah binti Ja’afar, and to all my fellow course mates. In this lovely morning, our topic would be about euthanasia. The word euthanasia comes from the Greek euthanatos derived from the words eu and thanatos, meaning ‘good’ and ‘death’ respectively. Well, we believe that most of us would not be familiar with this word. Some might be wondering about the meaning of the word and some might be thinking of a wrong answer. Before we could go to the main idea of this topic, Euthanasia is the idea of intentional killing by act or omission of a dependent human being for his or her alleged benefit. It could be voluntary when the person who‘s life is terminated has requested so; and it could be unplanned when the person involved with provided no consent. It could also be by action if action is performed to the life of the person; or it could be based on omission when necessary care is not provided. Impact Even if there are good outcomes coming from euthanasia, there are also some negative impacts from it. These impacts are divided into three, which are impacts on the patient, impacts on the family and impacts on the medical community and society. Firstly, we are going to elaborate on the negative impacts on patients. Patients, who have lose hope or trust in family members, can lead them to have the thought of “right to die” which becomes a duty to die for them because of the subtle or direct pressure coming from others which tortures them mentally. Besides that, patients who are afraid of treatments, deny them based on the “quality of life” decisions. They assume that it better to leave the world easily than enduring all possible treatments. Patients must have the thoughts of FEAR in their mind as “Face Everything And Rise”. Secondly, the negative impacts of legalizing euthanasia don’t just affect the individual. What hasn't been discussed very much, at least in t