There are many similarities between Meirelles’s City of God, released in 2003 in Brazil and Danny Boyle’s Slumdog Millionaire, released in 2008 in the United Kingdom, at the most the two films being comparable of main characters. These similarities are two different by two different sides of the world and how the main characters get out of the slums. These both films have a positive outcomes but have had rough upcoming to get out of the ghetto. The first similar pair of characters are the main characters, Rocket from City of God and Slumdog Millionaire, Jamal Malik. Both are somewhat of an outsider they didn’t choose the wrong path, they were just surrounded by people that did bad. For Rocket was surrounded by crime, death, gang and drugs. As fo Jamal was around his brother Salim who was becoming evil in front of Jamal’s eyes as the years progressed, by controlling Jamal, threating/shooting people for things he wanted and just putting situations on these shoulders. These characters held back from fighting back and standing up for them selves because they knew they would have ended up beaten or dead. Another shared qualities Rocket and Jamal have is that they have a passion for something or someone; Rocket has a passion for photography and for Jamal has a passion for his best friend who he has cared about for years and wanting to look for her, Latika. Lil Ze and Salim have similar characters, they both are heartless villains. Lil Ze was the nastiest movie villain, by the fact that he was killing at a young age (guessing by 9), and wanting to be the b control boss of City of God. Salim wanting control over Maman for what Maman has put Salim and Jamal through. Getting the chance to kill Maman, this where Salim’s evil side came out and becoming a hit man for the underground gang lord’s, Salim wanting to escape poverty he choose to work in the lowest work. For these characters having no sympathy, but one of the changes, Salim