
The Future of E-Pharmacy and E-Prescription in Saudi Arabia

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Abstract This dissertation paper tackles the issue underlying electronic pharmacy (E-Pharm). It is a positive development strategy that ought to be embraced and marketed. Broadly, this study sought to explore the future of e-pharmacy in Saudi Arabia (SA) in light of the prevailing marketing environment. Consequently, this paper's principal objective is to to explore the future of e-pharmacy in Saudi Arabia in light of the prevailing marketing environment. It is worth noting that the future of e-pharmacy is a very broad subject that has not been tapped into effectively. As a result, I undertook this dissertation topic so as to research on the ways that can be used to improve the future of e-pharmacy. Secondary sources, interviews and survey were used to explore this objective and to address the corresponding research questions. The findings were incredible. This is because they fully supported the objective, which was in light with the future of electronic pharmacy in SA. The kingdom of Saudi Arabia is known for good research in traditional drugs (Mohammed et al., 2012). This has helped in the manufacture of drugs and other pharmaceutical products. However, the use of e-pharmacy has not been adopted in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The study indicates that the business benefits of electronic pharmacy to the supplier and customer is as a result of decrease in the cost of operations. This is explained by the fact that electronic pharmacy results into improved process efficiency enhanced catalogue management and also decreased operational expenses. The study further points out that electronic pharmacy leads to market growth through the decrease of geographic hurdles as well as developed customer service delivery. It also results into an improvement of patient safety and quality of care, it is legible and reduces errors resulting from translation and protects against prescription alteration. Moreover, it indicates that the method is able to track an appropriate usage of the medication as well as has the ability to create current medication lists with report generations. The limitations of this electronic system included high cost of buying and installing the system, increased time compared to paper prescription and inability to prescribe controlled substances electronically which is a potential source for a new set of errors in an electronic environment. The findings indicate myriads of merits that accrue from e-pharmacy and e-prescription practices, which could equally be harnessed by SA. 1.1 Introduction The use electronic pharmacy for medical purposes has been introduced and adopted by some of the countries across the world, such as North America, Europe, and United Kingdom (Terri et al., 2011). In these countries, the electronic pharmacy solutions such as electronic prescription, internet pharmacy and e- pharmacy services have been offered by pharmacies and have now become common place services (Kierkgaar, 2013). The e-pharmacy has been beneficial and cost effective in terms of expenditure. In e-pharmacy, there is a wide range of benefits. These include providing to the pharmacists or medical practitioners a safely and effective method of managing the medication of the patients and the relevant records. As opposed to the manual way of handwritten prescriptions, which could get lost and has got difficulty in retrieving the information regarding the patients medication including drug plans, the prescribers will have enough time to access the eligibility of the information to the patients' drugs plan by selecting the medication for the patient and to avoid cost in making unnecessary phone calls inquiring on the progress of the patient. On the side of the patients, it provides safety and quality medication since there is oral miscommunication as in the case of the handwritten prescription. The patient is also able to save on the cost of phone calling and travelling to pharmacist in order to be prescribed new drugs, or wanted to give update regarding the condition, in this case the information to the pharmacists will be electronically transmitted thereby cutting down the expenses to patients. 1.1.1 E-prescription An electronic prescription concept refers to the computerized method of transmission of medical prescriptions (Grossman et al., 2007). The e-prescription has a model that consists of the prescriber which is a clinician, physician or medical practitioner. The prescriber gets access to the system and looks for the data base of the patient's medication records. The physician updates the patient's current medical status and gives new prescription information. A transaction hub exists, and its main aim is to link the prescriber and the patient (Grossman et al., 2007). The transaction hub verifies the patient's information about the transaction and sends it to the prescriber. A pharmacy where the prescription information from the hub is received sends a confirmation message. In the pharmacy, the message w

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