Kalle Lasn introduces an article by the name of “Toxic Culture Syndrome”. Lasn’s article compares “Chronic TV-watching to wearing sweatpants in public as a form of declaration to the community” as a way of “giving up”. His article provides his audience a more in depth explanation of how society is influenced by the media, and how programmed we have become through deceptions and lies. The article by Kalle Lasn is an effective article based on the fact that he provides logical evidence about the harmful outcomes Television has produced. The media has converted majority of us into robots to assist in self-destruction. He has also set examples of ways that the media has been used to set humanity up for failure by manipulating people to primarily focus on what the media has to offer, why and what they have to offer is more significant, rather then what we as individuals have to offer ourselves. The Medias tactic is used as a way to control their audience and convert their audiences to become enslaved as “Chronic TV-Watchers”. Lasn in his article “Toxic Culture Syndrome” has stated that Television viewers that persist on watching too much TV could become ill and dysfunctional due to the negativity available through the media links to psychological damage and or illnesses. Exposure from the media is very influential, for instance taking away reality. Lasn’s tone is very convincing with respect to the points that he makes in his article. For example, he lets the reader know from the very beginning of the article that he is against T.V. viewing by stating “History’s best advice” summed up would be 1. The pursuit of excellence or 2. The pursuit of balance. In addition, he causes the viewer to question themselves after they have read the first paragraph of his article as to whether the two summed up points are actually what we would consider. A second example, is when he plainly states that T.V. watching is nowhere