There are many similarities between the days of Malcolm X’s youth of the 1930s and 1940s, and today in this day. There are also many differences, and in some ways we are even reverting to some of those old ways. Some ways we all hope to improve of our lives in this nation and we hope to exhibit that we, as people, have evolved to be better humans. We hope to show that we are better citizens for a better nation. People of the 1930s, and 1940s, had high levels of poverty due to unemployment and discrimination. Not only the black people, but all the races. The Great Depression was upon our world. Through the people of color were, in general, worse off than the white people, their plight was in most cases due to discrimination of race. Along the same lines, it was far easier for a light skinned, Christian man to have a better job, access to government help, borrowed money, education, and social position. Also the ability to find, and acquire, these things were by far the towards white man’s advantage. This was the way the establishment order within the government, the way they wanted it to be. Nevertheless, people of today’s Central California are again suffering high levels of poverty, and unemployment. Even though, the levels of economic well-being are far less for all of us than our parents. Further, job placement for all races is better than those of the past, there are more people of darker skin color out a work than whites. As well as this is a not due to racist discrimination, this is mainly due to the population racial balance. The so called people of color outnumber the whites several to one. In fact, skin color means less today than the past, today it is the person that is willing to work for the least is the one that is hired. In contrast, people in the past were forcibly segregated by color. The discrimination imposed, sometimes by legal edit, determined where a person could live. Certain designated areas of many towns and cities were all that were available to these people of color. Furthermore, in other places, segregation was based upon economics. Darker skinned people just coul