Veterans Helping Veterans Heal Informed consent Veterans Helping Veterans Heal’s informed consent form is used release confidential information to other agencies that request information about any client in the VHVH program. VHVH’s informed consent asks for the name of the client, the agency, and the agency in which the information will be disclosed to. Moreover, the VHVH has a section where there is protected substance abuse information and it lists the different type of information that VHVH can provide once the release of information is completed and verified. Henceforth, there is another section that asks the agency inquiring about the release of information the purpose of why they need the information. Once that part is completed than the bottom half of the informed consent has an area where the client, witness, and legal representative signs and dates. The third section of the VHVH informed consent is the revocation section, which is the release of health information. Once the section has been read and signed, than the fourth section is the verbal revocation. The verbal revocation section states that the client or personal representative can give verbal permission to have information release. Once signed, than it becomes a legal binding document. Created Informed Consent The informed consent that I created was for the purpose of research in a practice setting. My agency VHVH is a transitional housing facility for Veterans who were once poor. My informed consent describes the purpose of my project and the goal in which the information is being collected. The informed consent that I created gives the participates the description of the project, what will be done, the risk or discomfort, benefits of this study, rules of confidentiality, Questions and concerns, decisions to quit at any time, and the right and complaints of the participants. Since Veterans Helping Veterans Heal deals with clients who suffer from menta