Now this is an unusual question to ask, but what is home? Is it somewhere you sit down and watch the Sunday night football game? Is it a safe place within the mind that people go to when being bullied? A home cannot be defined as a certain place or state of being. Some people may think, home for a homeless person is their cardboard box. Maybe to that homeless person, home is a pier off the coast of Ireland where they can breathe in the salty fumes that flow through the air. Home is a strange word because it appears in so many shapes and forms that it cannot be narrowed down to one particular object. Most people think home is a place where there are rooms. These rooms can be a kitchen, a bedroom, a bathroom, and a living room. But, most of us do not know the true meaning of home. Home is not a place to sleep nor is it a place to eat. In fact, home may not even be a place, it could just be imaginary. Just like how the home for the homeless person may not be his/her cardboard box, it could be his/her fantasy place that they dream of knowing. Home should be somewhere that one feels secure and the most comfortable. One should not feel insecure or unprotected when at home. For example, my brother’s home is not his bedroom, nor is it his video games. My brother’s home are his books. Within his books he is able to travel to all of these wonderful places that he could only dream of. He is able to go to Middle Earth, like in Lord of the Rings; to Alagaesia, like in Eragon; or to Pandora, like in Avatar. The dictionary definition for home is a house, apartment, or other shelter that is the usual residence of a person or family. This is true for most, but some of us are able to see home a little bit different just like my brother and the homeless person. My home is not the place that I go to every night after school, nor is it the place I wake up at every morning. Home is different each time I open my eyes in the morning and close them at nig