
Letter to the Office of Student Affairs

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After going through to the Student Court of Armstrong State University it was found that I was responsible of violating the Cheating and Facilitating Academic Dishonesty sections of the Academic Honor Code in Math 1113, during the spring 2014 semester. The recommendations was: Disciplinary probation for remainder of 2014-15 academic year, F in Math 1113 course, Write a research paper on academic dishonesty( 2 pages minimum, 3 sources), and a letter to Professor Brown. I am writing to appeal this decision. There were several procedural things that were wrong in Student Court. First of all, Tiarra and myself were not able to be in the same room as Professor Brown , so we were not able to refute anything he had to say about the situation. Secondly, Tiarra and I were not properly explained about being able to bring witnesses and how and what we could write in our statements. We were also not presented with the notes he had written on the test until the day of Student Court, which was not enough time to review the notes and respond properly. Some of the notes written on the test were not the things he had pointed out during the 1 on 1 meeting. After Student Court we were sent the student court recording and heard several things Professor Brown had said. The first thing Professor Brown addressed is that he had saw Tiarra and I whispering and exchanging looks, but in the 1 on 1 meeting he had with me he stated that he had heard whispering but was not sure who it was. I did not communicate at all during the test, the only time I looked away from my test was when I went to pick up my pencil off the floor on the left side of my desk. During the test I was sitting behind and to the left of Tiarra on another row. Furthermore, Professor Brown went on to address that he sat between Tiarra and I and then got called away by another student. Professor Brown stated that he sat in between Tiarra and I and in front of me , but he sat in the empty des

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