
Vision and Perception

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Perception is about vision and being able to see. Vision is important to humans because everything you do is visualized. You picture it and do it. Like an example, people are aware of their surroundings by using their vision. Like “Improve memory” to boost self esteem and showed improvement of their outside awareness. [1] “Perception is a unique picture of the real world” [2]. Perception is what we visualize. Perception is made by the occurring problem or future problem. “Human behavior is based on our perception of what reality is and not us”[2] Recognition is the key factor in deciding the person’s vision. “Organizational behavior is the ultimate goal to achieve”[2] The visual system consists of key parts to create light of a neural impulse, includes the cornea, pupil, iris. Other parts that help out are the lens, retina, and fovea. Each part helps us see and produce vision for us to see the real world. The cornea protects the front of the eye, a layer of defense or coating so to speak. The pupil is the small opening in the iris from which light comes in the eye. The iris is the colored part of the eye that regulates how much light enters the pupil by expanding and contracting it. A type of light can evoke our vision. It enters our eye and lights it up. “This adaptation was in a threshold and contrasted the same orientation and spatial frequency.”[3]. The octave at a certain height and centered on the upcoming frequency. “The bandwidth is slightly lower.” [3] The neural system plays a huge part on accepting and noticing images. “Human visual system could possess neurons of certain shape and size. The selectivity and transfer determine neurons.”[3] How do we see color, but dogs and cats can’t? Well we have more specialized parts or features. Like things that detect hues, saturation, and brightness. They all play off of each other. We see yellow, purple, blue or any other colors. Well these are hues.

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