
All We Need is Love

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"To thine own self be true." - Ancient Greek Philosopher  What is love? Is love the feeling of physical and emotional attraction? Or is it the outcome of appreciating others virtue? But can there be love without giving? Giving that requires indicating concern for others life and growth. Giving the idea of showing ones compassion of expressed and unexpressed feelings. The most important giving strategy is the ability to view a person as they are and being aware of their distinctive individuality. However, when a person keeps giving love to one another and does not seek love in his or her rightful place, they search for similar feelings somewhere else. Love is significance in humans life. Simple appreciation may ease the pain, but is it enough? When love is not enough it may cause severe damage to a person. It may lead to suicide, to depression, to family problems, and even to eating disorders. Every human being values love than any personal effect in their lives. Love is assisting one another in time of need. When an individual does not experience love he or she develop a mask to their personality. To their fears. To their past life. The masks that create difficulty to knowing someone. Many act in certain ways around certain people. However, when people go through denial of the physical existence just to protect their ego, we call them defense mechanism. Each and every one of us has a different strategy of coping to reality for it to be less stressful. Meaning, these masks protect us. They protect us from bad feelings. However, there is a specific amount of how much defense mechanism may isolate us from the real world. For example, denial. Denial is the most horrifying strategy that anyone may respond to in a situation; therefore, it may lead to completely refusing any horrible experience. People are eager to tell others about their lives but they fear rejection and rejection leads to conflicts within. Everyone fears that exposing themselves would make them seem weak to others.  However, does it not sometimes surprise you how one day you think you know someone for such a long time and when a deeply most horrifying secret of the person is out, you feel like your mind betrayed you? You think you know every single detail when in fact you weren't looking inside of them. I'll be telling you a story about a 20-year-old girl, Nicole. She lives in the Netherlands, originally from France. Nicole and I have been friends for a long time. We were Skyping, I telling her about my Voice of Youth research paper. I was explaining to Nicole how I couldn't find someone for the interview because of how hard it will be ask someone I personally know about conflicts in their life. As I said before, I knew Nicole for a long time, and in that moment, I discovered that she herself had a major conflict in her life.  It does surprise you how long you've known someone, but then when they reveal something shocking about himself or herself, the perspective changes; not of the person, but of the fact that no one really gets to know someone with their problems. No one wants to feel responsible. Nicole.. My friend.. My sister had developed an eating disorder; thus, resulting to Bulimia and anorexia. Nicole and I decided to Skype so I could interview her with questions. I later realized that I'm not only a student wanting to gather information for a research paper, but I'm her friend; therefore, I decided to take a train to Utrecht. I had to listen carefully as she expresses her thoughts, opinion, and feelings to me. One of the things

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