
We Don't Know, We Don't Know by Nick Lantz

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A want or desire is classified as a feeling and feelings are reserved for the living. Donald Rumsfeld agrees in his quote, “buildings can’t want”. In the literary work, “Your Family’s Farm; Empty”, written by Nick Lantz as part of his collection, We Don’t Know, We Don’t Know, the author contradicts Rumsfeld’s statement to demonstrates how the farm is struggling through the family’s abandonment. The poem uses speaker, to address specific questions intended for the farm in order to heighten its importance and tone, to display the farm’s loneliness in order to support how it desires what it cannot have and despite what is signified, the farm cannot make the change. This farm is abandoned or will be soon by the family that owned it. The speaker is talking to the grandchild of the poem, referring to him or her as “you”. There are no concrete evidences that truly determine who the speaker really is. However, it can be taken into account that the speaker has no physical contribution to what is actually happening in the poem, but they merely observe and ask questions. Therefore the speaker could be the grandchild, referring to them in second person’s point of view as they look back. The speaker could also be the farm and as it narrates and remembers past events, the farm attempts to question the grandchild to put them in the point of view of the farm. The first two stanzas of the poem create a very lonesome and even hopeless tone for the setting. The second stanza talks about how “the tractor doesn’t moon” and “the dry birdbath makes no plans for the future” which indicates that these actual objects are abandoned by the family. There are no uses for them anymore because there is no one around to work them. The ax that “leans against the shed like a drunk locked out of his own house” is powerful as well because the imagery conjures up a depressing emotion. It gives insight to how much work used to be

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