Have you ever had someone tell you so much bad things about something to get you to not like it? This drug gets that all the time. Never anything positive to say about it. Yes I’m talking about marijuana. In the eyes of some the worst drug on this planet, but to me it doesn’t seem so bad. I mean it’s a natural plant that grows in this world. A major cash crop if sold legally. There’s many uses and effects when taking this drug. Let me give you a background, a couple reasons why I think this drug should go past the medical marijuana part and straight into legalization. Known as a “Schedule 1 drug” by the 1970 drug substances act. Meaning it had a big potential for abuse by the consumer, no currently accepted medical uses, and the lack of accepted safety. It’s accepted in 23 out of the 50 states for medical purposes. There’s only two states out of North America that have legalized it for recreational purposes, which is Colorado and Washington. There’s dispensary’s in those states as well. It’s a natural plant that grows on this earth but you can also get it in different ways. Been known to be of use in the medical field when it comes to some illnesses. Used all throughout our country’s history but just like with any other drug there’s always its bad side to it. Well bad in some people’s eyes. A very good thing about this drug is its effects on the very ill. It’s been known to help cure or at least minimize the effects of some sicknesses. Its useful treatment on cancer, aids, pain, and many other sicknesses. Just because you’re ill doesn’t mean you can automatically take it, but you do need to get a prescription to a dispensary by a licensed doctor. The first cannabis based prescription medication “sativex” launched back in the United Kingdom on June 21,2010, which was a mouth spray that treated spasticity in their patients. Since then the major states using medical marijuana have been getting cr