Have you ever been targeted by another individual? Not necessarily having your head forced into a toilet, but verbally hurt? The issue of bullying can become quite serious when it comes to this day in age. The effects that bullying can have on its victims is something that may last throughout their lives, or even end their life. Some cases of severe bullying and its effects often end up on the news, most of which are extremely tragic endings. Sometimes what we believe as simple teasing and something that wouldn't bother a certain individual can be the last thing to cause someone to physically hurt themselves. Since the issue of bullying has been around for some time now it is turning into something we tend to neglect as human beings. What actions can we take to prevent this from happening as often as it does? "Treat others the way you want to be treated, is the Golden Rule and should be the rule we follow day in and day out in every aspect of our lives. Just about everyone in America has one way or another to access the internet. Cyber bullying is a form of bullying that has been taking place in a lot of middle school and high school age students, because of the rapid growth of technology and the increased usage of social media networks. Bullying no longer has to be on the street or in the school yard; it can be in one's own home from a simple computer screen or even a mobile device. That is a big problem, since there is only a limited amount of things for the average person to stop the bullying. Cyber- bullying is also one of the easiest ways for the abuser not to get caught, it is really difficult for an administrator to know the intensity of a situation, or simply that it is even going on. Students do not receive the punishment that they need in order to realize what they are doing is wrong and they are potentially ending someone's self esteem and even their life. Many times, children are afraid to tell their parent or a guardian because they believe th