
Images of Beauty

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A lot of young women and men base their image of beauty according to pictures from items like magazines, movies, billboards, and also on television. We honestly believe such items make it difficult for women and men to accept who they are. People are fine how they are which is natural, meaning beautiful. Images displayed in magazines, billboards, television and movies are harmful such images display the perfect body that is unattainable. Perfect body images displayed through media are harmful because they are the reason for low self esteem. These ads are harming men and women because their body satisfaction disappears, they lose focus , and they experience depression. The media tend to really overemphasize how these models really look. Not just based on their facial appearance but also their body image. Due to someone's self esteem being low, these images of beauty can effect their daily life. They will feel like they lacking something and feel low about themselves. Feeling negative, we then go about our day feeling extremely unattractive. This causes mood to shift and not be so happy like you were before the trip. It's gonna make people self-conscious and not take risks in life like we all should be taking. Actors in the first place don't have to many flaws and they would still prefer to give the person a full makeover. These actors from the advertisements look nothing like their photos. According to Tiggemann, in their experiment they found that when the men were exposed to commercials of the ideal muscles they had lower satisfaction with themselves and were the most vulnerable(Hargreaves & Tiggemann, 2009) have been totally transformed from their natural looks to be more presentable. It also makes the actors think they aren't good enough. Photoshop is a very key technology based thing these companies use to make actors look neat. For example, Photoshop is often used to make someones face lighter in order to alter the appearance

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