
The Cost of Higher Education

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One of the major parts to become successful in life is receiving a higher (college/university) education. A college degree is viewed as a requirement and is slowly becoming a hard goal for some people. Most believe that the cost of college has been rising and continues to rise. As the cost of college rises, families have to change their way of life to be lucky enough to send their children to college. Along with changing how families' live, many other problems are created in many ways. The cost of higher education should be lowered because it imposes financial problems on parents and their children, causes some students to alter their choice of which college to attend, and prevents some students from even going to college. When the time comes to talk about college, a large number of questions arise. Although many come forward, the first question is if college is even affordable. The main problem families' face is the difficulty to pay for college, especially with the current economy's condition. The cost of a university degree in Canada is getting steeper, with tuition and other compulsory fees expected to have  about tripled from 1990 to 2017, and students in Ontario are paying the most, according to research by a policy think-tank.  (Habib) According to statistic Canada, expenses, on average, to attend a 4-year university add up to around $7,000 a year. Double this amount and international students must pay that. Although the financial aid sounds like a good plan at the time, it causes the ones who take aid to being their adulthood in a large amount of debt. Even though there are a number of scholarships and financial aid programs available, each student must qualify and meet certain requirements that are not always met. What if a young adult has a dream to attend a certain university and live on residence? Many students will want to be away from home to attend school or want to go to a specific school for a certain program t

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