?A new life The Camden house was utterly quiet, the boys were already in bed and Eric and Annie were in their room. Annie reading a book and Eric writing his sermon for next Sunday. Sitting in the kitchen was Ruthie Camden. Snacking on cookies and looking through a stack of papers she sighed as she came across one that read Student Exchange Permission Slip her teacher had told her that she needed to turn in the paper work tomorrow if she wanted to go to she was definitely thinking about it what with the whole Sandy and Martin thing, but could she really just up and leave all that she's every know and love plus to be gone for a whole year. Ruthie sighed once again and got up putting her now empty plate of cookies in the sink. When she made it up stairs and was about to head up to her room, she stopped and glanced at her parents’ bedroom door, took a deep breath, quietly walked over and gently knocked on the door. After hearing a come in from her mother, she opened the door, walked over and sat on the bed. Eric and Annie looked at their daughter expecting her to speak and when she didn't they begun to worry; Ruthie Camden was never quiet. After a few minutes Annie decided to break the silence "Sweetheart is everything okay do you need to talk about something?" Ruthie bit her lip, looked at her mom and dad, and then took a deep breath before she replied “I’ve been offered an opportunity to participate in a new school program, what with my grades and behavior in school." Eric smiled "That's great honey you should do it, what’s this new program all about?" "Me going to Scotland." Ruthie replied softly. The smile on Eric’s face fell and Annie looked at her daughter in shock; "What?" They both replied. Ruthie sighed" Basically I would get to go to Scotland for a year. I would visit castles and historical places, take class's that glen oak doesn't offer and when I finish the program I I would get a free scholarship to the college of my choice. Plus I I really need to get away from here from everything and everyone to take some time for myselfbut only for a little while." Annie "For a year? I don't know sweetheart; Scotland is another country." Ruthie "Mom please I need this I'm.. not happy here, just please this will make me happy." Eric looked at his daughter yes he had noticed how sad and depress she had gotten. It had all started when she found out about martin getting sandy pregnant last Thanksgiving, then even more when the baby was born. She was right she did need to get away and have a chance to be happy. Eric "I'm okay if your mom is okay with it." Annie and Ruthie’s eyes grew big and turned to look at him. Eric "she needs to heal she's been through a lot this year besides she deserves some happiness" Annie sighed she hated to lose her baby but her husband was right Ruthie did need to heal and did deserve to be happy. Annie "alright you can go but as long a you make sure to keep in touch that means calling, emailing, writing, everything and everydaywell every week at least. Now what do you need from us in order for you to get to go and when would you be leaving?" Ruthie looked at her parents in disbelief "uhwow uh you just need to sign a permission slip and I would leave next week, after school lets out for summer." Annie looked up in alarm "next week? Why so soon why not at the end of summer." Ruthie" Because if I take the summer class's then they will give me my 11th grade credit so when fall comes I'll be in my senior year.'' Eric "So you would finish school early; are you sure you want that?'' Ruthie laughed "yes the sooner I'm done with high school the better besides next year when i come home instead of going into my senior year I'll be going to University of Michigan." Annie looked sad at this "so you won’t be home at all anymore this is it, Scotland then College, my baby is growing up." Ruthie gently smiled "mom I've had to besides I'll be seventeen next month." Eric "That's right you are, we're going to miss your birthday.well if this is what you want." Ruthie smiled "I do, I really do." Annie "then where do we sign" Ruthie gave them the permission slip, first Eric signed then Annie; Annie handed it back to her daughter. Ruthie smiled took the paper got up and bid them both a good night, and was heading to the door when she stopped. Ruthie "you guys now that I love you and me leaving has nothing to do with not loving you rightand can you guys please not tell anyone til after I’m gone, I I just don't want the drama or the pityplease? Eric nodded "sure honey we understand and yeah we can do that." Ruthie "thank you so much." then walked out of the room to head to bed getting ready for her last week in glen oak. Chapter 2 1 week later. It was Sunday morning, 6 am to be exact, While everyone was still sleeping and wouldn't be up for another few hours to get ready for church, Ruthie would be on a plane heading to Scotland. And as she finished packing the rest of her clothes into her du