Winston Churchills Be Ye Men of Valor speech came in the brink of World War Two on May 19, 1940. Germany had been invading Holland and Belgium as well as the French defenses at Sedan just days before. Be Ye Men of Valor was Winston Churchills first speech as prime minister of Great Britain. The main idea of the speech was to rally the troops for battle that was beginning to wage. Some points that Churchill makes are directly relatable of two World War One poems: Rupert Brookes The Soldier and Sigfried Sassoons Dreamers. In comparison to Rupert Brookes work The Soldier, Winston Churchill describes the ever so importance of each individual soldier and what dying for his country means for the overall goodness of the commonwealth. As Rupert Brooke quotes If I should die, think only this of me: / That theres some corner of a foreign field / That is for England. (Brooke line 1-3) he states how important to his country dying would be. Brookes states that his dead body would not just lay in the ground simply as a corpse, but in the grand scheme of things it would lay there as a parcel of land claimed for his nation in his honor. As a soldier at the time Brooke shows ever so confidence and commitment in the fulfillment of his duty and is the same idea that Winston Churchill is trying to persuade his nations soldiers so that they could have a similar mentality of Brookes while heading into battle. Churchill exemplifies this by saying: No officer or man, no brigade or division, which grapples at close quarters with the enemy, wherever encountered, can fail to make a worthy contribution to the general result. (Churchill 1114). Churchill addresses every one of his soldiers to make this idea feel in a way personalized to the individual so that he may feel fortitude and the honor of being a British soldier stepping into combat. Churchill states: this spirit must not only animate the High Command, but must inspire every fighting man. (Churchill 1115