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Emily Bronte was a very strong person, she had a difficult life with losing many family members at a young age, but it did not affect her wild imagination and great ability to write. She had many great poems and an amazing novel which rose to the high peak of her career. Emily was raised in a society in which people loved the enjoyment of reading books and natural study. She was influenced by many people including her mother and father, but also stated in “The Little Book of the Bronte Sisters”,” Emily is known to have been inspired by lonely purple moors which surround they live in” (Wollaston 28). So she seemed as if by her surroundings that they were the things that gave her words to put on paper. Biographical Emily was born on July 30th, 1818; she was the fifth of six children, by father Reverend Patrick & mother Maria Brontë, a stern evangelical curate, and a loyal wife. At age three, stated on “Hawthorn Village”,” Emily’s mother died of cancer in 1821” (1); and soon after her Aunt Branwell, a strict Calvinist, moved in to raise the six children to become young adults. Stated on “The Literature Network”,” In 1824, Emily, with her four sisters entered the Clergy Daughter’s School at Cowen Bridge” (C.D. Merriman 1). They lived in a parsonage in Haworth; her home was often a large piece of her inspiration in her literary works because of the memories held within it. C.D. Merriman stated,” Tragedy loomed largely in Emily’s life as well as her brother Branwell who had become an alcoholic and addicted to opium and the family was constantly dealing with his depressions and at times mad ravings” (1). From the time she was born till age 30 of her death (December 19, 1848) her life was very hard, simply because of the fact that many loved ones left her life at an early age, but she used her sadness as a tool of greatness. Major Publication Emily Bronte’s biggest piece of literary works was Wuthering

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